Education & Affiliations
Originally from Ohio, Alex has lived in New Orleans with his partner Devon since 2010. He earned a BS from Miami University with a double-major in Literature and Philosophy and a minor in Mandarin Chinese. During his time as an undergraduate student, Alex frequently studied and wrote at the intersection of literary criticism and philosophy, completing an honors thesis that used a Foucauldian lens to look at the operation of the panopticon structure in Paradise Lost and won three competitive departmental scholarships for this and other similar work. He later completed a M.Ed from SUNY Binghamton, which included a mixed-methods final thesis project that centered around implementation of a new early-childhood curriculum in a charter school context.
For the last ten years, Alex has worked as both a teacher and a leader in local schools. He spent five years teaching Kindergarten and 1st Grade and most recently spent four years as the Director of Operations for a K-8 school, responsible for all non-academic operations of the school – finance, facilities, buses, enrollment, and everything else.
Research Interests
Within the CCC program, Alex is on the Sociology track. Currently, his research interests are broadly contained within the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). More specifically, he hopes to explore questions around the social meaning of the Internet, digital epistemology, hybrid-minds, internet-based epistemic tools, digital literacy and how the modern internet continues to shape the entirety of our social relationships.